Saturday, April 24, 2010


I think Shor was an excellent read and had a great amount of good points in it. The points the were faced with issues of Banking. His best points included participation and getting the class involved in the work they are doing. He explained the great disadvantages to banking very well. A teacher cannot not just sit in front of the classroom and push knowledge into a child's head. One, the child has to want to learn about the subject and two, the child must feel a connection and involvement in the class in order to feel comfortable enough to learn. in our class for example we do activities such as group work that help us to connect with on another, voice out own opinions, and feel that sense of comfortably to talk and share ideas with one another. We must form a democracy where everyone's voice gets heard. the teacher must not make any student in the class invisible or uncomfortable. How much a student participates in class and works with other students effects the overall success and learning of the student when the class is over. Eyes and Ears have to be open at all times whether its students of teachers but overall its the teachers job to make that happen.

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